* * * Meet the Experts * * * Part II

This topic is exciting and scary at the same time for me! I am having mixed feelings ( in a good way though) and often wonder where this spiritual journey will lead me and how this all will turn out. Writing this now gives me that reality check again to slow down, stay in the moment and just enjoy the process! So that I will definately do.

Let's take it to a Higher Level

Luckily I've been learning how to deal with this. It feels great and I've come to realize that I can't and won't live a day without it anymore! I really got a true understanding that this is the key for connecting your * body * mind * soul * together  and it fits all the (missing) pieces. Yes I am talking about Meditation, if you haven't noticed yet ;) . In all my honesty I am going to say that it's not easy and you have to show and be discipline to do this everyday! I wouldn't change it for anything again, not even for chocolate ( and I am a totally chocolate junkie :/ , now it's that serious! ) But without fooling around I am really serious about adding this to your daily rituals. In my whole transformation period I've also come to realize that this can help you discover your true self, accepting everything within you and how important the connection is with everything around you including yourself. To break it down for you guys again I have added three inspiring quotes that explains this "feeling" I am being so excited about.

 "A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. 
He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in his Love than in your weakness."
-- Mother Teresa --

"We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically."
-- Neil deGrasse Tyson --

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again"
-- Joseph Campbell --

So first of all it was a very tough decision for me to write about the Experts in this topic. Because I've read so many inspiring stories and information about the people I've been following but otherwise this blogpost would turn out to be a whole chapter of a book! And the last thing I want is to overwhelm you guys, because I really appreciate it that your taking the time by just reading the topics on this blog. Means a lot to me! :) . And offcourse I hope I can help you with answers you're looking for in your own life just by sharing my experience. Ok so I've selected four Experts and this was based on the fact that I was feeling the connection & understanding that puts everything into place with their message. It doesn't start with "how to build a business or brand", but helping YOU to find your purpose in Life and finding your inner voice. Without their knowledge and Passion I wouldn't be in this phase of my life. So I am very grateful for that and by just sharing their knowledge with you guys makes me happy!

~~~ The Authentic Leader ~~~

#1 is Marie Forleo. I have so many words to describe this amazing woman but if I have to pick one word then it would definately be " Authentic". She has so many talents but she combines it perfectly with her business! Her website and videos are so inspiring, entertaining and full of valuable information on a very high level. I don't want to steal  her introduction but you definately have to check her out! It's totally worth it! Why I can connect with her? She inspires me so much with her sense of humor & positive attitude and she makes me feel the comfort that I can try something out. And guess what during that new experience or moment I can still be myself but then become a better version. She wants to help other women ( and believe it or not men too, yes serious!) to help them find their inner voice in nowadays society and how they can combine this with their business. Her message is to make you realize that it's ok to be yourself. Or to put it in another way ->>> to be 100% authentic . So without further a due check out her page here and for her youtube channel go here!

~~~ The Go-To Expert ~~~

#2 is Brendon Burchard. He is definately the go-to advisor for Marketing! His message is clear & honest and what you can expect of Marketing nowadays! But the real deal is that he gives you the feeling that you CAN be apart of this too. He makes Marketing look like it's a piece of cake. I am dead serious! When he breaks the information for you down, he explaines it to you in a way that you'll feel and be amazed that it truly can be that simple and that nothing is holding you back to start following your own passion and build a business around it. Why I can connect with him? I can't describe it but he brings an energy that makes you want to take action right now and don't waste any of your precious time again. All though his information can seem and feel a little bit overwhelming, I mean like all the access you can get for this priceless information?! Yep I totally understand the way your feeling now! But don't worry he breaks it down step by step and follows you through the whole process! Curious what I am talking about? Take a look at his youtube channel here. I have no other way to describe his message then that he genuinely wants to help you put YOUR message out there, so that you can share it with the world. And to help you figure out what your real Passion(s) in life is. We can sure take an example from him! How awesome is that! Where you have to pay for this kind of information he just shares it with the world. He's the man! Click here to visit his website and start pursuing your dream(s) & goal(s) now! By the way I've also purchased his book The Charge and really looking forward reading this! Either way I think the information will be very valuable because his videos already proven this to me.

  * Start Discovering your Spiritual Journey *

  • It's more then enough to just be yourself...
  • If we expect that people have power over us, our power will decrease...
  • How loftier our vision, the greater our strength...

These are wise words from a book I got a while a go from a former friend. It's a little book but don't be underestimated by the impact of his words! I am starting to read it again but if you would like to start your own Spiritual Journey I would say get this book! I've added a link of the  dutch &  english version. This is no promotion! I can sincerely recommend this book to everyone who is looking for enlightenment in their life. We are talking about your precious life here! What are you waiting for! :)

And I would add - Just start asking yourself the following questions

  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • What are the short & long term goals I want to achieve/accomplish?
  • How can I make a difference and share this with the world and most important how can this make an impact for our next generation?

If your feeling a little bit stuck and overwhelmed by these questions, just watch the video of this lovely lady Dear Naptural85. In a short and inspiring way she explains how you can start fulfilling your life & work on yourself starting TODAY. Just real talk here people!

So go for it! I know that all the information in this blog is a lot but everything I shared of all the Experts I've introduced untill now is real and sincere! I truly have the best interest in you and want to see you succeed as well but you have to start somewhere. We have the time but when you've lost that time you can't get it back. To put some visualisation in my words watch this movie trailer with Justin Timberlake in it  >>> here. ( Good movie btw. Definately one to watch!).

Start fulfilling your Life Purpose and the things YOU need in your life and strive to find your inner voice & add these Enlightenments to the Beautiful Life you deserve.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog!

Be Good & Stay Positive ♥

xoxo Lindsay


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