* * * How to just be ~ YOU * * * # 1

So in this blog-post I wanna talk with you guys about just being you. Sounds easy as a breeze, but my question now is - are you totally being and living the real you? Or just faking it when you are around people? Even with your love ones.....

I got inspired by a dear friend of mine who is going through a phase where she is choosing to be herself and doing the things in life she loves and likes. I am so proud of her stepping in her own world and exploring the things to just be herself. And then I thought why not go deeper on this topic. So I'm gonna share a IV PART series with you guys on how I got through these experiences and just accepting myself the way I am now. Of course with all the flaws and all because it's still a working progress. But as long as you stay true to yourself eventually all the pieces will fall into place.

My Personal Story

As the most of you already known, I've gone through an on going transformation in my life ( read the extended version here >>> Changing direction II ) During those periods I thought I was handling every part of my life very well. On the surface it seemed so yes, but inside.... Well all I could say is houston we had a problem. Notice me writing "had". Luckily I survived these phases in one piece. I got real as in the real delio! No more hidding behind masks or acting it up, just real as it get's. And I'll tell you it's been the best decision ever! Being honest and true to yourself will open up closed doors. And I mean the ones where you didn't even realized how messy they were in your head and heart. Call it a real wake up moment.

Finding out who you are and what you value the most in life

  • First thing first. "Accept every bit and part of you. Just accept the way you are". You were made this way for a reason. Don't be(come) a copy. Just stay original. I definately believe that everyone was made unique and special and that includes all the flaws and weak points. I love the quote "we are spiritual beings having a human experience". Something to think about right?

  • Learn to get to know yourself better. Get more knowledge through your brain, behavior and character. I would say just have some regular date nights with yourself and do something you like to do or never tried before. For example take a cooking lesson, drawing session, etc. Even if you aren't good at it, if you haven't tried it you will never know how good you may be(come) at it.

  • Don't be to hard on yourself. Sometimes we fail at things but I guess that's the way life kinda works. I've experienced that through faillures I become more stronger and wiser then I was before that struggle or moment. But above all I am becoming an expert. Now that's not a bad thing because when you come across a situation like this again you know what to do next time. Or better yet how to avoid it.

  • It's important to stay and talk positive about yourself during these moments. Ever noticed that we talk positive to a (dear) friend or person, when they are struggeling. But when it comes to you, you beat yourself down? These moments are a reflection of the things that are not working for you and need to be deposit out of your life. After you dealed with it, it's time to get back up again have faith in yourself or if you are a believer just like me in GOD and carry on to the next challenge/opportunity in your life. The "real" trouble comes when you decide to quit and stay down laying on the floor. Don't endanger your future in exchange for self pitty. You are more worth then that!

  • Don't let friends or family influence you too much. Everyone has there opinion and that's ok! But when it comes to things that you value the most or that's coming from the heart, don't give your power away. I always appreciate positive and constructive critic but I would advise you to try to solve your own problems first. And if you don't know how or where to start, share it with a (good) friend that is a good listener and has also the qualities I've mentioned above.

  • Finally be grateful & stay happy as much as you can during every moment. And I mean the good ones but also the bad ones. Embrace and enjoy life always. If you can't come up with something then be grateful that you get another day to live, to see your loved one(s) the next day again. Or just the sun shining warmly on your face... Sometimes it's also the small things in live we take for granted. If you are having a bad day or something doesn't seem to go the way you've planned. Take a deep breath hold it for a sec and let all your troubles float along when you release it again. Ohhh and don't forget to smile as big as you can.

I hope these tips will and can be very helpful for you guys. I would love to hear your thoughts and own experience(s) about the things I wrote above. Looking forward reading your comment(s).

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog

Be good and stay positive

Much love 

- Lin -


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